COMBINED Final team results for stage 8. Stage 8

results 8. Stage 8 return
1. 100.00 312.5652 7. HPS production Team Production - - -
2. 100.00 312.5652 188. HPS production Team Production - - -
3. 77.62 242.6133 2. NOP Prod. optics team Production Optics NOR - -
4. 77.62 242.6133 185. NOP Prod. optics team Production Optics - - -
5. 75.24 235.1802 12. NVS Production Production - - -
6. 75.24 235.1802 193. NVS Production Production - - -
7. 73.52 229.7849 13. Team BSK production Production NOR - -
8. 73.52 229.7849 194. Team BSK production Production - - -
9. 64.62 201.9784 4. NOP Classic Classic - - -
10. 64.62 201.9784 187. NOP Classic Classic - - -
11. 61.53 192.3314 3. TFS Classic Classic NOR - -
12. 61.53 192.3314 186. TFS Classic Classic - - -
13. 55.39 173.1380 14. BSK classic team Classic - - -
14. 55.39 173.1380 195. BSK classic team Classic - - -
15. 53.69 167.8122 9. TFS Production optics Production Optics - - -
16. 53.69 167.8122 190. TFS Production optics Production Optics - - -
17. 50.12 156.6648 11. Team salten Production - - -
18. 50.12 156.6648 192. Team salten Production - - -
19. 48.33 151.0783 8. Bare ROT Production NOR - -
20. 48.33 151.0783 189. Bare ROT Production - - -
21. 38.38 119.9485 17. LOP Optics Production Optics - - -
22. 38.38 119.9485 197. LOP Optics Production Optics - - -
23. 33.70 105.3464 15. TFS Production 1 Production NOR - -
24. 33.70 105.3464 196. TFS Production 1 Production - - -
25. 27.18 84.9398 16. NVS Standard Standard - - -
26. 0.00 0.0000 10. NOP Production Production - - -
27. 0.00 0.0000 191. NOP Production Production - - -

A team will have max 4 team members, the team result will be base on the best 3 team member results

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