5. Stage 5 results return

PTS TIME First name Last name DIV CAT Club
1 100.00 40.0000 9.5000 38 4.00 michael Brooks Mini Rifle Open SS WNSC
2 95.15 38.0613 9.0395 32 3.54 Pete Thornton Mini Rifle Open S Bedford
3 95.12 38.0469 9.0361 30 3.32 Russell Hicks Mini Rifle Open S Worcester Norton SC
4 88.95 35.5819 8.4507 30 3.55 Josh Hicks Mini Rifle Open - W.N.S.C
5 88.69 35.4767 8.4257 38 4.51 Przemyslaw Lemke Mini Rifle Open - Reepham Shooting Centre
6 84.78 33.9103 8.0537 36 4.47 Oto Michalko Mini Rifle Open - WNSC
7 84.63 33.8535 8.0402 32 3.98 Mike Shiew Mini Rifle Open - BCRPA
8 84.21 33.6842 8.0000 30 3.75 Mike Harvey Mini Rifle Open - FDPC
9 82.45 32.9806 7.8329 30 3.83 James Pearman Mini Rifle Open - Bcrpa
10 79.26 31.7028 7.5294 32 4.25 Ben Briscoe Mini Rifle Open - Bedfordshire County Rifle & Pistol Association
11 77.97 31.1891 7.4074 36 4.86 Thomas Ellaway Mini Rifle Open - FDPC
12 77.07 30.8285 7.3218 38 5.19 Jake Lebiecki Mini Rifle Open - Bolton Gun Club
13 76.04 30.4146 7.2235 32 4.43 Shane Stockman Mini Rifle Open - FDPC
14 73.55 29.4185 6.9869 32 4.58 Vanessa Duffy Mini Rifle Standard L GSAC
15 68.86 27.5455 6.5421 28 4.28 Paul Van Den Bosch #6292 Mini Rifle Open SS BEDFORDSHIRE COUNTY RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION
16 67.23 26.8908 6.3866 38 5.95 Kevin Stockton Mini Rifle Open - Bolton RPC
17 65.53 26.2134 6.2257 32 5.14 Liam Moffat Mini Rifle Open -
18 65.28 26.1118 6.2016 32 5.16 Dave Barbara Mini Rifle Open - FDPC
19 64.98 25.9909 6.1728 30 4.86 Nick Ward Mini Rifle Open S BCR&PA
20 60.40 24.1588 5.7377 28 4.88 Fred Twiby Mini Rifle Open SS FDPC
21 55.02 22.0083 5.2270 38 7.27 Morgan Rogers Mini Rifle Open - Bedfordshire County Rifle and Pistol Association
22 54.78 21.9135 5.2045 28 5.38 Magdalena Piestrak Mini Rifle Open L Reepham Shooting Centre
23 54.64 21.8579 5.1913 38 7.32 Laurence Bentlay Mini Rifle Open - Bolton Gun Club
24 54.09 21.6351 5.1383 26 5.06 Mark Bennell Mini Rifle Open S Worcester Norton SC
25 52.73 21.0903 5.0089 28 5.59 Kayvan Molavi Mini Rifle Open - FDPC
26 52.17 20.8685 4.9563 34 6.86 Andy Ramsay Mini Rifle Open S CSAC
27 52.02 20.8078 4.9419 34 6.88 Guy Thompson Mini Rifle Open S Lodge Pistol Club
28 48.47 19.3866 4.6043 32 6.95 Walter Robinson Mini Rifle Open S Glasgow and District
29 48.12 19.2481 4.5714 32 7.00 Robert Ramsay Mini Rifle Open J UKPSA
30 47.93 19.1723 4.5534 26 5.71 Anne Woollett Mini Rifle Open L FDPC
31 44.48 17.7910 4.2254 24 5.68 Angus McCall Mini Rifle Open - Galloway Small Arms Club
32 44.38 17.7519 4.2161 32 7.59 Sean Warner Mini Rifle Open - Bolton Gun Club
33 42.37 16.9492 4.0254 38 9.44 Roger Hadfield Mini Rifle Open S Bolton Gun Club
34 42.26 16.9055 4.0151 32 7.97 Bert Wardle Mini Rifle Standard S Bolton Gun Club
35 41.52 16.6076 3.9443 34 8.62 Kevin Coupland Mini Rifle Open - North Cotes Butts
36 41.33 16.5335 3.9267 30 7.64 Bob Grierson Mini Rifle Standard SS CSAC
37 40.25 16.1014 3.8241 40 10.46 Allen Ardron Mini Rifle Open SS North Cotes
38 40.10 16.0401 3.8095 36 9.45 Bill Morris Mini Rifle Open SS North Cotes Butts
39 39.72 15.8888 3.7736 28 7.42 Gary Waugh Mini Rifle Open S N.E. P.S.G.
40 32.42 12.9688 3.0801 30 9.74 Chris Brigham Mini Rifle Open -
41 29.10 11.6382 2.7641 28 10.13 Peter Savage Mini Rifle Open SS North Humberside R & P
42 29.05 11.6214 2.7601 13 4.71 Dave Holmes Mini Rifle Open SS FDPC
43 28.93 11.5723 2.7484 26 9.46 Aidan Kelly Mini Rifle Open J Recoil Scotland
44 26.51 10.6036 2.5184 24 9.53 David Lambie Mini Rifle Standard - GSAC
45 26.46 10.5859 2.5141 40 15.91 Paul Hibbort Mini Rifle Open - Bolton Gun Club
46 25.87 10.3493 2.4580 38 15.46 William Urmston Mini Rifle Open S Bolton Gun Club
47 20.54 8.2157 1.9512 28 14.35 Jorja Hutty Mini Rifle Open J NHRPC
48 19.31 7.7257 1.8349 16 8.72 Tracy Hutty Mini Rifle Open - NHRPC
49 15.53 6.2123 1.4754 9 6.10 Claire Ardron Mini Rifle Open L North Cotes
50 7.26 2.9032 0.6895 32 46.41 Dave Hutty Mini Rifle Open S NHRPC
51 6.70 2.6785 0.6361 5 7.86 Frank Kelly Mini Rifle Open SS Recoil Scotland
52 1.34 0.5377 0.1277 1 7.83 Pat Savage Mini Rifle Open L North Humberside R & P
53 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0 8.85 Adam Beckett Mini Rifle Standard - North Cotes
None disqualified for this division/category
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