COMBINED Final team results for stage 4. Behind trap range

results 4. Behind trap range return
1. 100.00 136.8460 1. GDS Open Team Open SWE - -
2. 84.65 115.8352 18. Skepplanda SF Production SWE - -
3. 82.64 113.0870 10. Stockholms LVF Production Production - - -
4. 79.67 109.0231 11. IPSC Smedjan Prod. Optics. Production Optics - - -
5. 79.51 108.8052 6. GDS Prod Ootics Production Optics - - -
6. 77.45 105.9833 5. Laholm PO Production Optics - - -
7. 69.14 94.6096 15. Stockholms LVF -PO Production Optics SWE - -
8. 68.17 93.2940 21. Security Group Dynamics Production SWE - -
9. 68.01 93.0754 16. Team ECDS Standard Div Standard SWE - -
10. 67.91 92.9303 14. Malmö Skyttegille Open Open - - -
11. 66.83 91.4528 3. Skepplanda SF ”Team Caliber44” Standard SWE - -
12. 65.32 89.3928 2. Sandvikens PSK Production - - -
13. 64.53 88.3072 23. ÖPK Prod Op Production Optics - - -
14. 64.39 88.1198 9. Stockholms LVF - Production Optics Mixed Production Optics - - -
15. 63.46 86.8416 4. Malmö Skyttegille Optics Production Optics SWE - -
16. 61.75 84.5012 17. Malmö Skyttegille Standard Standard - - -
17. 57.63 78.8670 8. Team ECDS Open Open - - -
18. 56.61 77.4628 22. BBSKF Production Optics SWE - -
19. 55.81 76.3710 13. Malmö Skyttegille Production Production - - -
20. 43.84 59.9924 7. Växjö PK Production SWE - -
21. 0.00 0.0000 24. Malmö skyttegille Classic Classic - - -

A team will have max 4 team members, the team result will be base on the best 3 team member results

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