N-13 Halland Kretsprecision Hemmabana #3 - results

B | 1 B | 2 B | 3 A | 2 A | 3 C | 1 C | 2 C | 3 C | D 2 C | VY C | VÄ results return
# Points First name Last name String points Club Firearm SM
1 263 Magnus Johansson 42 47 49 40 46 39 HST-Snöstorp C | 1 -
2 246 Amir Silvar 39 41 40 41 40 45 HST-Snöstorp C | 1 -
3 246 Jan Börjesson 41 41 41 45 37 41 Halmstad snöstorp psf C | 1 -
4 246 Dragana Zivanovic 42 41 42 39 43 39 HST-Snöstorp C | 1 -
5 228 Ulf Lindell 36 39 36 38 39 40 HST-Snöstorp C | 1 -

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