Current scores for match results return

100% of all rounds been have scored for this match (DQ'ed competitors excluded). 

#. First name Last name Firearm Points Score:Hits VRF
1 Corneliu Babih Pistol 1500 (P1500) 832 X:10 10:8 9:34 8:31 7:14 0:26 M:27 N
2 Corneliu Babih Distinguished Pistol (DP) 316 X:4 10:7 9:12 8:7 7:6 0:10 M:14 N
3 Corneliu Babih Stock Semi-Auto Pistol (SSA) 365 X:11 10:6 9:13 8:8 7:2 0:6 M:2 N
4 Radu Costache Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1239 X:27 10:28 9:43 8:29 7:10 0:11 M:2 N
5 Radu Costache Distinguished Pistol (DP) 498 X:8 10:17 9:21 8:3 7:5 0:4 M:2 N
6 Radu Costache Stock Semi-Auto Pistol (SSA) 460 X:12 10:20 9:13 8:2 7:1 0:0 M:0 N
7 Maliszevschi Cristian Pistol 1500 (P1500) 987 X:15 10:15 9:37 8:18 7:30 0:26 M:9 N
9 Andrei Stefan Service (Standard) Revolver (SR4") 436 X:10 10:13 9:15 8:8 7:1 0:0 M:1 N
10 Mihai Jianu Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1226 X:38 10:30 9:32 8:20 7:14 0:13 M:3 Y
12 Cioba Cristian Andrei Pistol 1500 (P1500) 891 X:10 10:20 9:29 8:29 7:14 0:29 M:19 N
15 Maliszevschi Cristian Stock Semi-Auto Pistol (SSA) 0 X:0 10:0 9:0 8:0 7:0 0:0 M:48 N
17 Serban Cristian Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1240 X:28 10:27 9:41 8:27 7:15 0:10 M:2 Y
18 Florian Butunoiu Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1053 X:22 10:25 9:37 8:19 7:14 0:15 M:18 N
19 Sebastian Gutiu Revolver 1500 (R1500) 1362 X:33 10:38 9:50 8:20 7:6 0:2 M:1 N
20 Sebastian Gutiu Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1448 X:61 10:43 9:41 8:4 7:1 0:0 M:0 N
21 Sebastian Gutiu Open Pistol (OP) 550 X:15 10:13 9:22 8:9 7:0 0:1 M:0 N
22 Sebastian Gutiu Distinguished Pistol (DP) 549 X:11 10:17 9:23 8:6 7:2 0:1 M:0 Y
23 Sebastian Gutiu Service (Standard) Revolver (SR4") 0 X:0 10:0 9:0 8:0 7:0 0:0 M:48 N
25 Theodor Artenie Stock Semi-Auto Pistol (SSA) 436 X:12 10:12 9:16 8:3 7:4 0:0 M:1 N
26 Cosmin Pana Revolver 1500 (R1500) 877 X:8 10:12 9:30 8:22 7:33 0:39 M:6 Y
27 Cosmin Pana Pistol 1500 (P1500) 952 X:20 10:15 9:34 8:16 7:24 0:11 M:30 Y
28 Mihaita Catalin Gherghiceanu Stock Semi-Auto Pistol (SSA) 361 X:5 10:10 9:11 8:7 7:8 0:3 M:4 N
29 Samir Ilie-Rusu Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1207 X:21 10:26 9:45 8:24 7:20 0:7 M:7 N
30 Samir Ilie-Rusu Stock Semi-Auto Pistol (SSA) 450 X:18 10:9 9:13 8:7 7:1 0:0 M:0 N
31 Theodor Artenie Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1036 X:16 10:26 9:39 8:27 7:7 0:22 M:13 N
32 Ciprian Glinta Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1110 X:15 10:24 9:48 8:22 7:16 0:20 M:5 N
33 Eugen Dima Revolver 1500 (R1500) 1283 X:21 10:28 9:48 8:32 7:15 0:2 M:4 N
34 Eugen Dima Pistol 1500 (P1500) 1232 X:22 10:28 9:43 8:30 7:15 0:12 M:0 N