Active results TDS Nybegynnercup 2024/2025 return

This cup is active and results and scores are shown to anyone.


# First name Last name Points #12 best results #cm DIV REG CAT CLS
1 Erlend Brandtsegg 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
2 Robert Nilsen 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
3 Pål Brøndbo Seem 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
4 Claudio Barrera 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
5 Geir-Åge Orti 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
6 Lasse Strand 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
7 Kent Aspnes 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
8 Andreas Langberg 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
9 Tor Bratgjerd 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
10 Paulius Ivoska 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
11 Robin Vennatrø 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U
12 morten jystad 0.00p 0 Custom- NOR - U

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