stages competitors squads staff results
Premium Event
This is a Premium Event, making life easy for the competitor and staff and supports the operation of SSI
IPSC Rifle
Level III
Semi-Auto Open, Semi-Auto Standard, Manual Action Open, Manual Action Standard
lat: 63.358780 lng: 9.382050
July 18, 2020, 8 a.m.
Event (active) starts July 18, 2020, 8 a.m. and ends July 19, 2020, 6 p.m. (Europe/Oslo)
Max 160 competitors allowed, currently 165 registered (141 approved, 24 pending) and 5 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Squadding opens for approved competitors March 10, 2020, 8 p.m..
Result and scores only shown to organizers.
Information visibility is limited, not searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

The safety angles in this match, can be less than 90 degrees, for one or several stages.
Due to practical reasons, competitors will not be given the opportunity to verify their own hits/misses , on targets more than 30 meters away.