First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 574.6168 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production Optics- - NOR U cmn BEP
2 99.44 571.4022 Simon Ravn Production- - NOR U ravenator BSK
3 91.17 523.8525 Hans Martin Ese Production Optics- - NOR U hansa BSK
4 84.74 486.9356 Jan Ove Midtun Production Optics- - NOR U jom BEP
5 74.57 428.4904 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- S NOR U bos62 BEP
6 73.96 424.9966 Bjarte Nygard Classic- - NOR U Bsk
7 73.04 419.6830 Jerzy Sokol Standard- - NOR U BEP
8 70.86 407.1546 Ola Sørland Classic- - NOR U BEP
9 70.31 403.9901 Kjetil Orre Production- - NOR U happygiant BEP
10 63.75 366.3267 Ørjan Folgerø Production- - NOR U BEP
11 62.23 357.5562 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface BEP
12 61.74 354.7887 Per Tore Hanstvedt Production- - NOR U BEP
13 59.51 341.9690 Morten Christian Andreassen Production- - NOR U mca BEP
14 56.99 327.5020 Ove Sivertsen Production- - NOR U BSK
15 56.39 324.0215 Gustav Tisthamar Production- - NOR U BEP
16 54.85 315.1968 Nils-Tore Nilsen Standard- S NOR U BEP
17 49.76 285.9435 Rune Toft Production- - NOR U runtof BSK
18 47.16 271.0012 Sverre Olav Solheim Production- - NOR U BEP
19 43.43 249.5336 Jarle Elvis Nesøy Production- - NOR U jarleelvis Bsk
20 42.64 245.0452 Sigurd Nes Production- - NOR U BEP
21 39.59 227.4913 Frode Lyngbø Production- - NOR U camouflage NHPK
22 38.87 223.3428 Stig Gøran Olsen Production- - NOR U stiggo NHPK
23 37.94 217.9880 Ketil Fagerli Iversen Open- - NOR U BEP
24 31.36 180.2175 Espen Nytun Standard- S NOR U BEP
25 27.74 159.4222 Christopher Wentzel Standard- - NOR U BEP
26 24.95 143.3642 Snorre Rotbæk Open- - NOR U BEP
27 23.69 136.1374 Frode Instefjord Classic- - NOR U BEP
28 22.77 130.8454 Mikkel Gullstein Open- - NOR U BEP
29 22.56 129.6408 Johnny Aslaksen Production- - NOR U BEP
30 22.51 129.3356 Tommy Sekkingstad Standard- - NOR U BEP
31 19.17 110.1467 Håkon Strøm Standard- - NOR U BEP
32 18.91 108.6554 Christian Buvik Production- - NOR U BEP
33 18.11 104.0757 Magnus Tenmann Open- - NOR U BEP
34 13.27 76.2480 Frederik Engevik Production- - NOR U BEP
35 10.73 61.6736 Cato Mørner Standard- - NOR U BEP
36 10.66 61.2607 Gjermund Åbergsjord Production- - NOR U BEP
37 7.54 43.3158 John Hoshovde Open- - NOR U BEP
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