First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 562.9801 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- S NOR U bos62 BEP
2 98.43 554.1579 Jerzy Sokol Standard- - NOR U BEP
3 83.84 471.9827 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface BEP
4 74.06 416.9479 Nils-Tore Nilsen Standard- S NOR U BEP
5 43.02 242.2087 Espen Nytun Standard- S NOR U BEP
6 37.54 211.3364 Christopher Wentzel Standard- - NOR U BEP
7 29.04 163.4939 Tommy Sekkingstad Standard- - NOR U BEP
8 25.76 145.0306 Håkon Strøm Standard- - NOR U BEP
9 14.52 81.7494 Cato Mørner Standard- - NOR U BEP
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