First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 328.6537 Nils Oddvar Midtun Production- - NOR U nilso RPK
2 99.66 327.5430 Richard Aaserud Production- - NOR U bravohunter RPK
3 86.27 283.5141 Anders Gunbjornsen Production Optics- SS NOR U andiz RPK
4 79.89 262.5592 Mattias Jonsson Production- - NOR U mattias44 RPK
5 70.98 233.2862 bojan tesic Production Optics- - NOR U RPK
6 53.87 177.0312 Steinar Solheim Production- S NOR U RPK
7 49.02 161.1064 Pawel Syslo Production- - NOR U RPK
8 47.71 156.7899 Marcel Prinz Production Optics Light- - NOR U RPK
9 47.06 154.6619 Magnus Myrseth Standard- - NOR U RPK
10 35.05 115.1948 Ole Kristian Fuglerudsveen Production- - NOR U Ringerike Pistolklubb
11 29.84 98.0707 Richard Moreno Production- - NOR U RPK
12 21.05 69.1937 Stein Runar Tjernseth Production- SS NOR U toppess RPK
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