First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1046.0475 lars-tony skoog Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U skoogis SPSK
2 93.41 977.0863 Patrik Gren Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U badboy Security Group Dynamics
3 83.87 877.3096 Niklas Magnusson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U fastnaccurate RJPS
4 79.02 826.6177 Johan Ström Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U strom SGD
5 74.72 781.6267 Joakim Rudensten Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U jr528swed LSC
6 62.93 658.3219 Daniel Hansson Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U MSG
7 50.85 531.9654 Karl-Johan Kördel Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U mrblade IPSC Smedjan
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