First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 866.7729 Andreas Helvig Hansen Open+ - DNK - SSIN/Akademisk Sktf
2 98.54 854.0841 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK - grainger SSIN
3 98.11 850.4323 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK - ibenforth SSIN
4 92.99 806.0472 Anders Urban Production Optics- - DNK - urbanlegend SAS
5 86.22 747.3650 Martin Kaeseler Production Optics- - DNK - martink
6 85.46 740.7836 Rasmus E. Lemvig Production Optics- - DNK - dolff TeamSHIELD
7 84.45 731.9594 Michael Randrup Production Optics- - DNK - randrup TeamSHIELD
8 84.32 730.8577 Runi Skoubjerg Standard- - DNK -
9 83.13 720.5287 Rasmus Andersen Standard- - DNK - B.D.S
10 78.71 682.2781 Michael Schow Rasmussen Open+ - DNK - schow SSIN
11 77.14 668.6488 Jacob Larsen Classic- - DNK - mech SSIN
12 75.55 654.8463 Peter Olsen Mertz Production Optics- - DNK - bippe CPS
13 74.19 643.0696 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK - jan63 SSIN
14 73.99 641.3563 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production Optics- - DNK - SSIN
15 73.54 637.4384 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK - poulsen CPS/SSIN/VSF
16 71.82 622.5286 Kenneth Kleist Production- S DNK - SSIN / SKL
17 66.32 574.8014 Dennis Martlev Classic- S DNK - smartlev
18 65.98 571.9295 Henrik Lerfeldt Open- S DNK - bookkeeper SSIN
19 65.82 570.4790 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK - SAS skytteklub
20 65.48 567.5420 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK - SSIN
21 64.26 556.9797 Søren Sparvath Production- - DNK - sparvath Nykøbing Sj.
22 60.71 526.2229 Theis Nielsen Production- - DNK - SKL
23 60.46 524.0800 Victor Herstad Production- - DNK - SSIN/HSF Falcon
24 58.55 507.5020 Henrik Laursen Standard- - DNK - alphabear SSIN
25 56.91 493.2662 Casper Vogelsang Standard- S DNK - vogelsang Nykøbing Sj/SSIN
26 55.96 485.0623 Dan Lindholm Open- - DNK -
27 55.77 483.4396 Daniel K Open- - DNK - P
28 54.70 474.1104 Max Larsen Standard- - DNK - max Nyk.Sj/SSIN
29 54.58 473.0998 Kent Holm Standard- SS DNK - kent1 SSIN
30 52.58 455.7450 Brian Alkier Production Optics- - DNK - baloo B.D.S
31 50.50 437.7635 Ronny Stoltz Pedersen Standard- - DNK - B.D.S
32 47.34 410.3402 Thomas Overgaard Standard- - DNK U B.D.S
33 42.30 366.6285 Mie Poulsen Classic- L DNK - CPS/SSIN/VSF
34 42.25 366.1686 Henrik Holm Classic- SS DNK - Nykøbing Sj / SSIN / BVS
35 41.75 361.8741 Ronnie Andersen Revolver- - DNK - ronnie SSIN
36 41.51 359.8192 Peter Herstad Production Optics- - DNK - herstad SSIN/HSF-FALCON
37 41.44 359.1848 Kim Frederiksen Classic- SS DNK - CPS & HSI
38 21.61 187.3307 Henning Andersen Standard- S DNK - B.D.S
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