First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1317.1901 Magnus Johansson Production- - SWE GM sigsauer IPSC Växjö
2 98.44 1296.6813 Peter Kastell Production- - SWE U kastell TPK
3 87.24 1149.1264 Johan Modigh Production- - SWE U jj84 P4 dynamiska skyttar
4 86.46 1138.8076 Orvar Bäcklin Production- - SWE U htfu BESK
5 84.99 1119.4446 Lars Hagemann Production- - DNK U hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
6 84.73 1116.1113 Henrik Kedfors Production- - SWE U kedfors JPK
7 84.56 1113.7745 Stefan Johannesson Production- S SWE U st3f4n GPIF
8 82.46 1086.1920 Fredrik Jacobsson Production- - SWE U frejac01 Security Group Dynamics
9 80.80 1064.3449 Christian Ditlev Jensen Production- - DNK U stagebum CPS
10 80.77 1063.8631 Mats Karlsson Production- - SWE U yaps MSG
11 78.74 1037.1117 Max Rutkvist Production- - SWE U maxo Södertörns Skytteklubb
12 78.15 1029.3519 Robert Börjesson Production- - SWE U rob79 GPIF
13 76.67 1009.8645 Adam Odgaard-Nexe Production- - SWE U nexus IPSC-Växjö
14 74.20 977.3923 Flemming Jensen Production- - DNK U
15 73.87 973.0354 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel Ssin
16 69.35 913.5249 Troels Lenda Production- - DNK U trogels Akademisk
17 69.24 911.9728 Sven Lundin Production- - SWE U lundin IPSC Granhammar
18 68.60 903.5690 Tina Oskarsson Production- L SWE U xena Växjö PK
19 68.58 903.3336 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
20 67.95 895.0043 Mikael Olsson Production- S SWE U mikols14 GPIF
21 67.73 892.1159 Gustav Arvidsson Production- - SWE U rogi P4 Dynamiska skyttar
22 67.12 884.1014 Tomas Frisell Production- - SWE U frisse Stockholms Militära & Polisiära skyttar
23 66.89 881.0772 Simon Christensen Production- - DNK U mrbang Struer skyttekreds
24 66.80 879.9257 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG Dynamiska
25 66.59 877.0654 Ulf Bjelkengren Production- - SWE U uffeb Malmö
26 65.92 868.2494 Anders Lindfors Production- - SWE U ali66 LSC
27 65.57 863.6203 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
28 65.54 863.2700 Johan Friberg Production- - SWE U GPIF
29 65.35 860.7205 Joakim Sand Production- - SWE U hamnarbetaren Ystad
30 63.78 840.0563 Håkan Wiren Production- - SWE U torgaso Luftvärnsföreningen
31 63.66 838.5450 Claus Henneberg Production- - DNK U noxie SSIN
32 63.53 836.8705 Marianne Hansen Production- L SWE U marsch VDS
33 62.29 820.4199 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK
34 61.69 812.5326 Jonatan Loman Production- - SWE U badbalder Malmö Skyttegille
35 61.40 808.7979 Roberth Friberg Production- - SWE U fribbe Kullens Pk
36 59.50 783.7726 Alf Wallblom Production- - SWE U awall Uddevalla PSF
37 59.17 779.3591 Kenny Frohde Production- - SWE U baggins Lidingö Sportskytteklubb
38 58.64 772.3886 Tomas Svalö Production- - SWE U tomme Kullens pk
39 57.49 757.2502 Filip Ronkainen Production- - SWE U LiDS
40 56.87 749.0423 Klaus Fristrup Production- S DNK U fristrup SSIN
41 56.14 739.4075 Henrik Hellman Production- - SWE U houke MSG Dynamiska
42 55.85 735.6938 Peter Lindberg Production- - SWE U VSD
43 55.42 729.9676 Ronnie Johansen Production- - DNK U SAS
44 55.04 725.0217 Ulf Larsson Production- - SWE U gaisakefeskeboxa HPK-GDS
45 55.00 724.4971 Jonas Forslund Production- - SWE U forsis Skepplanda SPF
46 54.64 719.6705 Peter Lundberg Production- - SWE U astorx IPSC Malmö
47 53.22 701.0556 Filip Mårtensson Production- - SWE U fippe Ystads Dynamiska SKF
48 52.22 687.8556 Erik Lindström Production- - SWE U orca VSD
49 52.02 685.1760 Martin Nilsson Production- - SWE U nilma P4 Dynamiska skyttar
50 52.01 685.1010 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly SPSF
51 51.65 680.3099 Otto Persson Production- - SWE U oper MSG (Malmö).
52 50.90 670.4205 Christian Luckmann Production- - SWE U elespecia MSG Dynamiska
53 49.19 647.9777 Frederic Nilsson Production- - SWE U scorpan MLSG
54 49.09 646.6722 Olof Bengtsson Production- - SWE U linde Jönköping
55 45.33 597.0832 Thomas Persson Production- - SWE U pezon JPK
56 44.86 590.8879 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe LVF
57 44.76 589.5256 Sofia Dohmen Production- L SWE U sofia Säve PSK
58 44.06 580.2934 Andreas Norberg Production- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
59 43.60 574.3346 Kristoffer Hansen Production- - SWE U msg
60 43.50 572.9965 Nicklas Nilsson Production- - SWE U nicklas Västerorts DS
61 42.94 565.5609 Bo Nilsson Production- S SWE U boskog msg
62 42.69 562.3545 Johan Johansson Production- - SWE U bumpa Caliber 44 SKF
63 40.55 534.1368 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami Södertörns SK
64 38.33 504.8427 Niklas Eriksson Production- - SWE U ÖREBRO IPSC
65 37.94 499.7189 Fredrik Eriksson Ax Production- - SWE U IPSC Granhammar
66 37.57 494.8142 Kjetil Larsen Production- - SWE U crazykjetil Linköping shooting club
67 36.32 478.3414 Örjan Lindgren Production- - SWE U
68 36.31 478.2671 Jonaz Carlson Production- - SWE U jayc VSD
69 36.05 474.8117 Olle Ahlström Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
70 35.17 463.2772 Gabriel Popov Production- - SWE U flamman Härlanda pk gds
71 34.85 459.0473 Peter Widenstedt Production- S SWE U petwid ECDS
72 34.08 448.9349 Per Ekelund Production- - SWE U
73 33.67 443.4961 Jonas Nilsson Production- - SWE U jonnil79 MSG
74 33.43 440.3808 Fredrik Holmström Production- - SWE U msg
75 32.91 433.4227 Petri Kljutschnik Production- - SWE U blyspridarn GPIF Göteborg
76 28.59 376.6384 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U Sjöormens Pk
77 28.33 373.0991 Eric Karlsson Production- - SWE U Upsf
78 27.51 362.4072 Claudio Hult Production- S SWE U MSG
79 26.07 343.4328 Kim Brink Production- - SWE U brink Kullens pk
80 22.65 298.3287 Johan Bergh Production- - SWE U Försvarsutbildarna Stockholms Skytteförening
81 22.34 294.3068 Kenneth Abazaj Production- - SWE U MSG MALMÖ
82 20.96 276.0888 Håkan Salvall Production- - SWE U MGS Dynamiska
83 19.07 251.1412 Maria Nylund Production- L SWE U javja
84 17.60 231.8803 Christan Linderoth Production- - SWE U krille C44 SKF
85 16.69 219.8517 Sabina Bektic Production- L BIH U RIS Banja Luka
86 7.75 102.0294 Magnus Wallenrodd Production- - SWE U schmitt MSG Dynamiska
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