First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 589.4812 Joakim Sand Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U hamnarbetaren MSG
2 98.63 581.4049 Mats Karlsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U yaps P7 SKIF & MSG
3 94.64 557.8763 Carl Schultze Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U schultze MSG
4 79.61 469.2650 Ivan Lundgren Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U gungun Klinte SKG
5 77.38 456.1167 John Johansson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U jonken Klinte Skyttegille
6 73.36 432.4357 Torkel Persson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U mrdae Södertörns SK
7 66.86 394.1492 Anders Rohlen Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U doctorglock KPIF
8 58.34 343.8855 Thomas Hjelm Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U ipscnooben Torup
9 55.04 324.4402 Henrik Kalling Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U thunderpants MSG
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