First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 643.4700 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK - SSIN
2 86.02 553.5376 Henrik Lerfeldt Open+ S DNK - bookkeeper SSIN
3 81.40 523.7530 Kristian Bartholin Open+ - DNK - bartholin Ssin
4 80.26 516.4522 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK - Ssin
5 73.88 475.4087 Jess Lund Open+ - DNK - jess SSIN
6 69.56 447.5683 Anders Peter Egeskov Open- - DNK - SSIN
7 69.45 446.8739 Michael Schow Rasmussen Open+ - DNK - schowipsc SSIN
8 61.41 395.1509 Peter Herstad Open+ - DNK - peter SSIN/HSF-FALCON
9 47.09 303.0082 Perry Larsen Open+ S DNK - locksmith SSIN
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