2. One and two and hepp-hepp-hepp results return

PTS TIME First name Last name DIV CAT Club
1 100.00 80.0000 3.4559 78 22.57 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Production- - BSK
2 97.43 77.9418 3.3670 70 20.79 Bjørn Ove Sekkingstad Standard- S BSK
3 95.31 76.2500 3.2939 78 23.68 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- - BSK
4 91.74 73.3909 3.1704 72 22.71 Arve Andersen Standard- - BSU
5 86.79 69.4344 2.9995 59 19.67 Arne Monsen Production Optics- S BSK
6 79.22 63.3729 2.7376 72 26.30 Trond Henrikssen Production- SS BEP
7 77.84 62.2685 2.6899 74 27.51 Christer Kolltveit Production- - BEP
8 72.98 58.3846 2.5222 74 29.34 John Skauge Standard- - BSK
9 72.80 58.2420 2.5160 59 23.45 Jan Ove Midtun Standard- - BEP
10 72.79 58.2358 2.5157 64 25.44 Ove Toranger Standard- - BEP
11 70.21 56.1719 2.4266 76 31.32 Marius Dyngeland Production- - BEP
12 69.75 55.8004 2.4105 66 27.38 Bjarte Nygard Production- - BEP
13 65.66 52.5278 2.2691 72 31.73 Kåre Sundland Standard- - BEP
14 57.15 45.7199 1.9751 76 38.48 Øyvind Bleie Standard- - BEP
15 54.46 43.5640 1.8819 51 27.10 Atle Meyer Production- - BEP
16 46.28 37.0245 1.5994 44 27.51 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Production- - BEP
17 40.92 32.7341 1.4141 46 32.53 Simon Ravn Production- - BEP
18 39.98 31.9814 1.3816 55 39.81 Bent Pettersen Standard- - BEP
19 35.62 28.4975 1.2311 39 31.68 Ole Anders Løland Øien Production Optics- - Lågen Sportskyttere
20 24.02 19.2152 0.8301 17 20.48 Øystein Paulsen Production- - Bergen skytterunion
21 21.58 17.2635 0.7458 22 29.50 Espen Nytun Standard- S BEP
22 13.59 10.8724 0.4697 23 48.97 Tommy Henanger Production- - BEP
23 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0 17.09 Lasse Steffensen Standard- - BSU
None disqualified for this division/category
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