Create competition

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Details per sport and competition

Import match results

Feature only available currently in beta-testing

Upload results form matches scored in other scoring services (Practiscore, IPSCESS or direct usign CSV files). Allows for results to be claimed and included in SSI Rating and Rankings

Create your event

Tactical Training Shooting Match

Create your TTS Match (SRA rules allowing for Helfigur 2020 etc.) as used within Swedish Armed Forces. All shooters are anonymous (no registration possible) but admin/scoring is as for any match.

create TTS Match »

Sivil Pistol

Create your Sivil Pistol match, all according to divisions and rules by the Dynamical Sportshooters Association of Norway, DSSN (

create Sivil Pistol match »

NROF Handgun Match

Create your NROF Handgun match under Norwegian Reservists Association (NROF) rules

create NROF Handgun match »

NROF Rifle Match

Create your NROF Rifle match under Norwegian Reservists Association (NROF) rules

create NROF Rifle match »

NROF Combined Match

Create your NROF Combined (handgun and rifle) match under Norwegian Reservists Association (NROF) rules

create NROF Combined match »

National Target Shotgun match

Create your Target Shotgun match, all according to divisions and more by the National Target Shotgun Association, NTSA (

create Target Shotgun match »

4-Gun Tactical Match

Create your 4-Gun Tactical Match under Finnish Gunsmiths-association rules. For more details see website at

create 4-Gun Tactical Match »

Once you have created your match, you can allow shooters to self-registers online and choose their squads etc. Upgrade to Premium Event to be able to handle match shop and payments online. This saves lots and lots of time for large events

Use with CED 7000 Pro Use with WinMSS & ESS Use with EzWinScore Reference manual SSI Payment Processor Terms & Manual