First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1758.6899 Robin Sebo Open+ - USA -
2 99.77 1754.7271 Jorge Ballesteros Open+ - USA -
3 88.04 1548.4257 Remo Schraner Open+ S CHE -
4 87.59 1540.4467 Zdenek Liehne Standard+ - USA -
5 86.43 1520.0406 Erol Ryant Open+ - USA -
6 86.23 1516.5067 Rasmus Gyllenberg Production Optics- - USA -
7 85.00 1494.9688 Michal Stepan Production- - USA -
8 82.81 1456.3758 Arne Lentz Production Optics- S USA -
9 82.81 1456.3157 Andreas Helvig Hansen Open+ - DNK -
10 81.12 1426.6909 Dominic Meier Open+ S CHE -
11 80.59 1417.3864 Andrej Hrnciarik Production Optics- - USA -
12 79.81 1403.5307 Frederik Petersen Open+ - DNK -
13 78.85 1386.6863 Per A Hansen Production- - NOR -
14 78.64 1383.0598 Albin Hylander Open+ J SWE -
15 77.61 1364.8596 Cecilia Lindberg Production Optics- L SWE -
16 77.28 1359.1625 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK -
17 76.73 1349.5199 Nils Nothnagel Production Optics- - DEU -
18 76.16 1339.3427 Richard Solberg Open+ - NOR -
19 75.96 1335.9883 Niclas Dal Production Optics- S SWE -
20 75.36 1325.3119 Jens Söderlund Open+ S SWE -
21 74.92 1317.5973 Peter Davis Open+ S DNK -
22 74.37 1307.9606 Daniel Holmberg Open+ - SWE -
23 73.99 1301.2959 Johan Skogh Standard+ - SWE - MRSKOGH
24 73.89 1299.4140 Mikkel Sloth Pedersen Production- - DNK -
25 73.65 1295.2009 Mats O. Bäckström Standard+ S USA -
26 72.48 1274.6792 Alvin Alforte Open+ - NOR -
27 72.44 1273.9631 Eddie Rundgren Open+ S USA -
28 72.24 1270.5472 Selcuk Kahraman Production Optics- - DNK -
29 72.07 1267.4233 Marcus Norberg Open+ - SWE -
30 72.03 1266.8334 Frede Stenslie Production- - USA -
31 71.54 1258.1759 Sissal Skaale Standard+ L USA -
32 71.13 1251.0196 Christian Wiprächtiger Standard+ - USA -
33 71.09 1250.2359 Arni Kjartansson Production Optics- - USA -
34 70.98 1248.3194 Lars Hagemann Production Optics- S DNK -
35 70.97 1248.1431 Horst Holzinger Open+ L USA -
36 70.90 1246.8710 Rino olsen Production Optics- S NOR -
37 70.89 1246.7928 Ole Thorsager Open+ S DNK -
38 70.79 1244.9894 Ben Vermeeren Production Optics- - USA -
39 70.73 1243.9932 Bjørn Greve Open+ - NOR -
40 70.62 1242.0348 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK -
41 70.31 1236.4818 Mats Karlsson Production Optics- - SWE -
42 70.29 1236.1046 Jostein Berntsen Open+ - NOR -
43 70.02 1231.4739 Robert Börjesson Production- - SWE -
44 70.01 1231.2621 Justin Cooper Production Optics- - GBR -
45 69.97 1230.5484 Mikael Jung Standard+ - SWE -
46 69.78 1227.2070 Rene Ebert Open+ S CHE -
47 69.40 1220.5070 Hugo Rinaldo Production Optics- SJ SWE -
48 68.03 1196.4842 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE -
49 67.87 1193.6457 Michael Randrup Production Optics- - DNK -
50 67.68 1190.3669 Leif Madsen Open+ S SWE -
51 67.61 1189.0525 Martin Kaeseler Production- - DNK -
52 67.54 1187.8338 Kalle Halvarsson Production- - SWE -
53 67.00 1178.2533 Anders Egeskov Open+ - DNK -
54 66.27 1165.4838 Karin Wiklund Open+ L SWE -
55 66.25 1165.1833 Axel Spies Open+ S USA -
56 66.18 1163.8331 Kim Frandsen Classic- - DNK -
57 65.88 1158.6446 Rasmus Engelhar Lemvig Production Optics- - USA -
58 65.80 1157.2895 Mathias Henking Production Optics- S DEU -
59 65.73 1155.9945 Gregor Reineck Open+ - USA -
60 65.67 1154.9045 Tobias Mejborn Open+ - DNK -
61 65.22 1146.9929 Michael Kahl Standard+ - USA -
62 65.21 1146.7652 Christine Burkhalter Standard+ L CHE -
63 65.20 1146.7526 Runi Skoubjerg Standard+ - DNK -
64 65.07 1144.3902 Marc Woudstra Open+ - USA -
65 65.00 1143.0730 Stefan Winsnes Standard+ - NOR -
66 65.00 1143.0615 Eli Huttner Open+ - USA -
67 64.94 1142.0768 Johnny Reyes Open+ S NOR -
68 64.65 1137.0581 Olaf van Essen Production- S DEU -
69 64.38 1132.1951 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE -
70 64.35 1131.6807 Magnus Abelsson Production- - SWE -
71 64.32 1131.2337 Benjamin Hillem Classic- - NOR -
72 64.27 1130.2833 Laurent Perrot Standard- - USA -
73 64.19 1128.9479 Peter Olsen Mertz Production- - DNK -
74 64.11 1127.5796 Pär Hylander Classic- S SWE -
75 63.60 1118.5111 Axel Becker Production Optics- - CHE -
76 63.59 1118.2653 Norbert Mayer Standard+ S USA -
77 62.98 1107.6544 Anders Urban Production Optics- - DNK -
78 62.81 1104.6581 Jacob Larsen Classic- - USA -
79 62.76 1103.7872 Henrik Thomsen Standard+ - USA -
80 62.68 1102.4062 Dennis Jakobsen Production Optics- - DNK -
81 62.61 1101.1165 Thomas Engel Open- - DNK -
82 62.34 1096.4343 Daniel Persson Open+ - SWE -
83 62.05 1091.3539 Annamaria Zanardi Open+ L CHE -
84 62.04 1091.1788 Christian Sønderup Production Optics- S DNK -
85 62.04 1091.0685 Ole Mortensen Open+ S DNK -
86 62.00 1090.3003 Bjørn Severin Standard+ - DNK -
87 61.94 1089.3262 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK -
88 61.84 1087.5150 Rasmus Andersen Standard- - DNK -
89 61.72 1085.5112 Jürgen Braun Production- S USA -
90 61.64 1084.1186 Johan Koek Standard+ - NLD -
91 61.64 1084.0903 Stefan Hermann Production- - DEU -
92 61.57 1082.7996 Karl-Heinz Wendel Open+ - USA -
93 61.49 1081.4327 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR -
94 61.31 1078.2541 Håkan Johansson Open- - SWE -
95 60.67 1067.0747 Daniel Denwood Standard+ - SWE -
96 60.61 1066.0280 Johnnie Tibom Production- - SWE -
97 60.57 1065.3054 Jonas Forslund Standard+ - SWE -
98 60.55 1064.8429 André Ksycki Production- - DEU -
99 60.48 1063.6923 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- S DNK -
100 60.37 1061.7540 Gustav Mogren Production- - SWE -
101 59.90 1053.4851 Izabela Duracova Open+ L DNK -
102 59.79 1051.5184 Henny Schmitz Open+ SS NLD -
103 59.44 1045.3857 Catalin Popelca Production Optics- - SWE -
104 59.43 1045.1582 Lukasz Styra Standard+ - DEU -
105 59.38 1044.2286 Glen Hylander Production- - NOR -
106 59.32 1043.3275 Jess Lund Open+ - USA -
107 59.02 1037.9253 Michael Lindgjerdet Production- - NOR -
108 58.93 1036.4366 Michael Hoiss Classic- - USA -
109 58.90 1035.9524 Øivind Johnsen Open+ SS NOR -
110 58.77 1033.6438 Sandra Arbinger Standard+ L SWE -
111 58.74 1033.0128 Kenneth Sørensen Production- - DNK -
112 58.69 1032.2076 Oliver Schnoor Production- S DEU -
113 58.26 1024.5504 Sven Biermann Production- - DEU -
114 58.13 1022.2947 Karl Torkildsen Standard- S NOR -
115 57.63 1013.5622 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK -
116 57.49 1011.1342 Flemming Jensen Production- - DNK -
117 57.43 1010.0103 Henrik F Nielsen Revolver- - DNK -
118 57.08 1003.8300 Ronald Poolman Open+ S NLD -
119 57.01 1002.6401 David J Ashcroft Production Optics- S GBR -
120 56.94 1001.4352 Frank Hariken Production- - DNK -
121 56.82 999.2563 Tim Veenman Standard- - USA -
122 56.74 997.8479 Alexander Henghuber Open+ - DEU -
123 56.64 996.1839 Mattias Haapaniemi Production Optics- S SWE -
124 56.52 994.0865 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- - NOR -
125 56.49 993.5149 Hendrik Plagmann Production Optics- - USA -
126 56.47 993.1071 Robert Hannessen Classic- - NLD -
127 56.44 992.5616 Alain Arnold Production- - USA -
128 56.39 991.7603 Jan Bodé Standard+ S DNK -
129 56.34 990.9138 Victoria Pejle Standard- S SWE -
130 56.29 989.9396 Michael Stefansen Production- - USA -
131 56.10 986.6550 Reimar Oelte Open+ S USA -
132 56.08 986.3323 David Cowan Open+ SS GBR -
133 56.06 985.9452 Ludwig Bowakow Production- SS DEU -
134 55.93 983.6843 Thomas Andersen Production- - DNK -
135 55.84 982.0712 Hans Peter Bros Hampi Classic- SS USA -
136 55.66 978.9372 Benny Pedersen Production- - USA -
137 55.62 978.2574 Markus Alvestad Standard- - NOR -
138 55.55 976.9342 Christian Bagger Standard- S DNK -
139 55.53 976.6594 Kim-Ove Ellingsen Classic- - NOR -
140 55.53 976.6136 Lars Christian Flugstad Production Optics- S USA -
141 55.48 975.6765 Kristian Söderström Production- S SWE -
142 55.47 975.4858 Jorn Holeschovsky Standard- - USA -
143 55.46 975.3797 Flemming Hansen Open+ S DNK -
144 55.41 974.5594 Holger Kunzmann Production- - USA -
145 55.20 970.7961 Christian Birk Standard- - DNK -
146 55.01 967.4997 Claus Henneberg Production+ - DNK -
147 54.60 960.3079 Jon Regbo Production- - NOR -
148 54.59 960.1438 Jan Hoekstra Standard- - NLD -
149 54.40 956.7340 Michel Laversma Standard- S USA -
150 54.36 956.0339 Ulf Stiegen Production- - DEU -
151 54.34 955.7083 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE -
152 54.18 952.8286 Christian Leischner Standard- - DEU -
153 54.17 952.6414 Andreas Raht Production- S DEU -
154 53.86 947.2816 Hans-Jörg Käsberger Revolver- - DEU -
155 53.81 946.3693 søren larsen Production Optics- S DNK -
156 53.79 945.9263 Stefan Moebs Production Optics- SS DEU -
157 53.73 944.9603 Tony Klintan Production- S SWE -
158 53.63 943.1218 Rasmus Milling Varmdal Classic+ - DNK -
159 53.16 934.9026 Uwe Pankalla Standard+ S USA -
160 53.15 934.8065 Gert Hougaard Standard- S DNK -
161 53.08 933.5382 Jan Marmulla Production- S DEU -
162 52.81 928.6853 Gert Erling Hansen Classic- SS DNK -
163 52.75 927.6959 Rudolf Barucha Open+ SS DEU -
164 52.63 925.5789 Oliver Matußek Production Optics- - DEU -
165 52.53 923.8519 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE -
166 52.42 921.8506 Kay Hartkamp Classic- - USA -
167 52.39 921.3071 Kenneth Ammentorp Standard- - DNK -
168 52.35 920.7488 Uwe Mohr Standard+ SS DEU -
169 52.05 915.3788 Jan Doets Open- S USA -
170 51.98 914.0945 Dorothea Denwood Production Optics- L SWE -
171 51.98 914.0863 Eindride Stien Production- S NOR -
172 51.97 913.9848 Marjan Angelovski Classic- - SWE -
173 51.92 913.1501 Khaled Abdulkarim Production Optics- - DNK -
174 51.78 910.6554 Finn Langkjær Standard- S DNK -
175 51.59 907.3137 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production Optics- - DNK -
176 51.34 902.9679 Heinz Schürmann Classic- S DEU -
177 51.34 902.9631 Gregory Michel Revolver- - USA -
178 51.28 901.8176 Lars Bach Standard- - DNK -
179 51.28 901.8105 Kristoffer Hall Production- - SWE -
180 51.19 900.2360 Ronny Andreassen Standard+ S SWE -
181 51.17 899.9977 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- - NOR -
182 51.12 899.0620 Kim Wiencken Standard- SS DNK -
183 51.08 898.3872 Jutta Maria Wendel Open+ L USA -
184 51.03 897.4134 Stefan Giger Production- - USA -
185 50.96 896.1621 Dan Andersen Standard- - USA -
186 50.84 894.1548 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK -
187 50.80 893.4972 Simon Ravn Production- - USA -
188 50.73 892.2216 Tom Sundlöf Production- - USA -
189 50.67 891.1857 Allan Herloev Standard- - DNK -
190 50.57 889.3814 Jesper D. Thomsen Standard+ - USA -
191 50.46 887.3501 Göran jansson Open+ SS USA -
192 50.35 885.5875 Andre Meyer Production Optics- S USA -
193 50.35 885.5241 Christian Bonde Andersen Production Optics- - USA -
194 50.29 884.4940 Daniel Prehn Standard- - DEU -
195 50.28 884.3438 Dennis Martlev Production Optics- S DNK -
196 50.20 882.8999 Michael Alexander Bock Schou Production Optics- - DNK -
197 50.01 879.4774 Stevan Klausen Production Optics- - DNK -
198 49.85 876.6947 Dirk Bartelt Standard- SS USA -
199 49.70 874.1263 Jens Reppe Production- SS DEU -
200 49.64 873.0395 Gerhard Wirenfeldt Production- S USA -
201 49.43 869.3842 Xavier Candelier Production Optics- S FRA -
202 49.38 868.4773 Gerard Wijnands Revolver- - NLD -
203 49.19 865.0491 Reinhard Kelterbaum Production- SS DEU -
204 49.18 864.9673 Nico Koek Standard+ - USA -
205 49.11 863.6531 Karl-Heinz Hilbig Standard+ SS DEU -
206 48.89 859.7922 Manuela Perrot Standard- L USA -
207 48.85 859.0782 Fredrick Lindquist Production- S USA -
208 48.72 856.9182 Claudia Remek Production Optics- L USA -
209 48.61 854.8575 Bengt Bäckström Classic- S SWE -
210 48.60 854.7013 Nic Nothnagel Production- J DEU -
211 48.53 853.4287 Joachim Beineke Production Optics- S DEU -
212 48.47 852.3973 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK -
213 48.37 850.7075 Susanne Pejle Production Optics- L SWE -
214 48.21 847.9107 Chris Joaquin Production Optics- S DEU -
215 48.21 847.8216 Riku Kalinen Production- S USA -
216 48.18 847.3801 Henri Haapsaari Production- - FIN -
217 48.07 845.3204 Rudi Lane Production- - NIR -
218 47.96 843.5415 Kristina Agerbæk Production- L DNK -
219 47.85 841.4930 Jouni Hynninen Production Optics- S FIN -
220 47.65 838.0119 Jens Zintl Production- - USA -
221 47.52 835.7494 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE -
222 47.44 834.3035 Nicolai Hassenkamm Production Optics- - DNK -
223 47.39 833.5045 Anna Louise Axelsen Standard- L NOR -
224 47.23 830.7115 Mattias Jonsson Production Optics- - NOR -
225 47.19 829.9933 André Holt Production- - NOR -
226 47.13 828.8328 Tanya Marlene Tysnes Production- L NOR -
227 47.01 826.6739 Carsten Trebbien Production Optics- S DNK -
228 47.00 826.6166 Timo Konttinen Production- SS FIN -
229 46.97 826.0451 Viola Moser Production- L DEU -
230 46.89 824.6049 Nicolas van Der Pluijm Production Optics- - USA -
231 46.88 824.4414 Fabian Häge Production- - USA -
232 46.78 822.6949 David van DIjk Production Optics- S USA -
233 46.71 821.5594 Steen Pico Nielsen Standard- SS DNK -
234 46.43 816.5800 Andreas Dell Production Optics- SS USA -
235 46.30 814.2174 Per Martinsson Production Optics- - SWE -
236 46.02 809.3787 Jens Mathiesen Standard- S DNK -
237 45.97 808.4151 Johan Jipat Open- S USA -
238 45.97 808.3854 Rune Wilhelmsen Classic- S NOR -
239 45.91 807.4466 Stephan Rollmann Production- S USA -
240 45.72 804.1586 Bosse Jansson Open+ S SWE -
241 45.57 801.4682 Johan Liljestrand Production- - SWE -
242 45.40 798.3574 Mads Peter Bach Classic- - DNK -
243 45.38 798.1241 Mikkel B Production Optics- - DNK -
244 45.32 797.0659 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- S DNK -
245 45.18 794.5374 Henrik Laursen Standard- - DNK -
246 45.13 793.6303 Calle Liljeholm Production Optics- - SWE -
247 45.12 793.4336 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Production Optics- S NOR -
248 45.01 791.6087 Kim Rasmussen Open- - USA -
249 44.99 791.2260 Hugh Daly Standard+ S IRL -
250 44.97 790.8784 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK -
251 44.86 788.9560 Nikolaj Jeppesen Production- - USA -
252 44.72 786.4116 Dannie Høg Production- - DNK -
253 44.56 783.5860 Johannes Holmberg Production- S USA -
254 44.54 783.3579 Jan Alexander Arndt Production- - USA -
255 44.36 780.1057 Peder Nilsson Production- - SWE -
256 44.14 776.2129 Morten Jörgensen Production- - SWE -
257 44.00 773.8703 Per Munk Production- - DNK -
258 43.99 773.6227 Kent Holm Standard- SS DNK -
259 43.97 773.3359 Henrik Randers Open+ S SWE -
260 43.95 773.0038 Esther Verjans Production- L USA -
261 43.72 768.8716 Erik Schuit Production Optics- S USA -
262 43.42 763.6550 Ib Steen Jørgensen Production- S USA -
263 43.35 762.4441 Einar Bakke Production- - NOR -
264 43.20 759.8037 Lars Olesen Classic- S DNK -
265 42.98 755.9334 Markus Heine Standard- S DEU -
266 42.97 755.6545 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- - NOR -
267 42.89 754.3649 Jesper Persson Production- - USA -
268 42.85 753.6167 Paul Smyth Production- SS GBR -
269 42.61 749.4619 Marco Dammeyer Production Optics- S USA -
270 42.57 748.6544 Peter Henriksen Production Optics- - DNK -
271 42.51 747.6547 Christian Nicho Colfelt Production Optics- - USA -
272 42.51 747.6168 Adrian Jones Standard+ S FRA -
273 42.50 747.4252 Carsten Husman Standard- - DNK -
274 42.44 746.3487 Christian Dinesen Production- - DNK -
275 42.42 745.9868 Arne Busch Standard- S DNK -
276 42.32 744.2996 Martin Höger Production- - USA -
277 42.27 743.3569 Johannes Stekelenburg Production Optics- - USA -
278 42.18 741.8080 Zean Engelbreth Production- - USA -
279 41.89 736.6394 Peter Kamp Production- - USA -
280 41.88 736.5140 Ralf Herrmann Production- - USA -
281 41.84 735.8496 Elias Ek Production- - NOR -
282 41.83 735.6658 Renate Sand Standard- L USA -
283 41.72 733.6908 Gerry Dahlgren Production- SS SWE -
284 41.69 733.2603 Harald Schmitz Standard+ SS DEU -
285 41.64 732.3264 Anders Schmidt Standard- - USA -
286 41.57 731.0410 Maurice Cairns Production- - USA -
287 41.56 730.9466 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE -
288 41.47 729.2686 Joerg Kaehler Production- S USA -
289 41.45 728.9346 Jan Hoekstra Production- - USA -
290 41.33 726.8192 Martin Saenger Production- - DEU -
291 41.29 726.1563 Ole Victor Production- SS SWE -
292 41.02 721.3369 Jan Zintl Production- - USA -
293 40.71 716.0382 Olaf Schnoor Production- S DEU -
294 40.68 715.4929 Vegard Myrlund Hansen Standard- - SWE -
295 40.64 714.7764 Thomas Knudsen Production- S USA -
296 40.52 712.6993 Thomas Werchmeister Standard- S USA -
297 40.22 707.3297 Lars B. Sand Production Optics- - NOR -
298 40.17 706.5234 chris jonkers Standard- S SWE -
299 40.08 704.9085 Michael Paul Theilig Open- S USA -
300 40.08 704.8500 Christopher Pickering Production Optics- - DNK -
301 39.85 700.7503 Johan Kinhult Production Optics- S SWE -
302 39.79 699.8289 Nic Kahl Production- J USA -
303 39.57 695.8505 Anders Gunbjornsen Production Optics- SS NOR -
304 39.40 692.9054 Martin Smukal Standard- S DEU -
305 39.39 692.7332 David Landeweer Revolver- SS NLD -
306 39.32 691.5099 Ilja Klueck Standard+ S USA -
307 39.13 688.1328 Martyn Spence Production- S GBR -
308 39.00 685.8817 Marco Poppenhusen Production- - USA -
309 38.86 683.3459 Martin Schirra Production- - USA -
310 38.83 682.9663 Casper Vogelsang Open- S DNK -
311 38.79 682.1715 Jens Königsdorf Classic- S USA -
312 38.77 681.7718 Karsten Erfort Production Optics- - DNK -
313 38.42 675.6069 Matilda Sundqvist Production- L SWE -
314 38.38 674.9491 Sune Sørensen Standard- S USA -
315 38.13 670.6150 Jesper Helmersen Production- - DNK -
316 37.73 663.5024 Kb Svendsen Open+ SS USA -
317 37.48 659.1149 Carola Siebert-Bartholmei Production Optics- L DEU -
318 37.24 654.8663 Svenja Lehmann Classic- L DEU -
319 37.23 654.7250 Kalle Piirainen Production- - FIN -
320 37.03 651.2070 Peter Haupt Production Optics- - USA -
321 36.94 649.5883 Anita Larsen Production Optics- L NOR -
322 36.90 648.9017 Demi Denwood Standard- J SWE -
323 36.80 647.1189 Robert Braun Production Optics- SS USA -
324 36.51 642.0129 Sandra Mützenich-Heine Standard- L DEU -
325 36.38 639.8135 Kenneth Østergaard Production- - USA -
326 36.07 634.4091 Henrik Holm Classic- SS DNK -
327 35.95 632.2331 Rainer Karbaumer Standard+ SS USA -
328 35.93 631.9080 René Baumgart Production- - USA -
329 35.55 625.2372 Sebastian Schroeder Production- - DEU -
330 35.52 624.7095 Hans Larsen Classic- - DNK -
331 35.34 621.5943 Benjamin Rohde Production- - USA -
332 35.29 620.6036 Göksel Böttcher Revolver- - USA -
333 35.24 619.6800 Bernd Pantzer Production Optics- S DEU -
334 34.84 612.7289 Ian Sharp Production- - USA -
335 34.76 611.3399 Bruno HAGE Production Optics- SS FRA -
336 34.52 607.1831 Dag Svensson Production- S SWE -
337 34.44 605.7290 Ole Martin Jorve Standard- S NOR -
338 34.44 605.6637 Claudia Rollmann Production- L USA -
339 34.15 600.5660 Nicklas Jakobsson Production- - USA -
340 33.10 582.0687 Pelle Johan Ravn Bøgedal Production- J DNK -
341 32.85 577.8105 Maria Revling Production- L SWE -
342 32.80 576.8499 Rainer Stettnisch Standard- SS DEU -
343 32.45 570.7750 Brian Friis Production- S DNK -
344 32.42 570.1742 Bastian Hipp Standard- - USA -
345 32.36 569.1067 Tanja Arnold Production- L USA -
346 32.34 568.7311 Bert Lepahé Production- L USA -
347 32.05 563.6119 Mie Poulsen Classic- L DNK -
348 32.01 563.0003 Katja Buchholz Open+ L USA -
349 31.87 560.5461 Angelica Sanchez Standard- L SWE -
350 31.83 559.7200 Akif Erciyas Standard- - DNK -
351 31.66 556.8542 Kim Frederiksen Classic- SS DNK -
352 31.54 554.7646 Olaf Gubien Standard- S USA -
353 31.46 553.3628 Lars Bugge Production- SS DNK -
354 31.23 549.3035 Niels Siats Production- S USA -
355 31.20 548.7115 Carsten Krause Production Optics- S USA -
356 30.75 540.8055 Steen Bagger Standard- SS USA -
357 30.51 536.6035 Declan Keogh Production- SS IRL -
358 30.26 532.0926 Freya Schou Production- J USA -
359 30.08 529.0284 Henriette Damsø Production- L DNK -
360 29.97 526.9971 Claudi Flørnæs Standard- - DNK -
361 29.55 519.7636 Hans Joachim Jürgens Production Optics- S USA -
362 29.25 514.4100 Aida Sabanovic Standard- L DNK -
363 29.24 514.2323 Uma Falk Production Optics- L USA -
364 29.24 514.1597 Hans Geerts Open+ SS NLD -
365 28.77 505.9818 Lauri Kalinen Production- - USA -
366 28.71 504.9329 Tineke Gelijk Standard- L USA -
367 28.39 499.3407 Preben Henriksen Standard+ SS DNK -
368 27.78 488.5760 Johan Bergh Standard+ - SWE -
369 27.35 480.9944 Rasmus Rønnow Production Optics- - USA -
370 26.51 466.2324 Timm Arnold Production- S USA -
371 25.80 453.6795 Cornelius Seiler Standard- - USA -
372 24.65 433.5716 Henrik Bech Production Optics- - DNK -
373 24.09 423.6001 Frida Stråhlman Production- L FIN -
374 23.81 418.8144 Bernd Lohmann Production- SS USA -
375 23.50 413.2189 Marie Cummings Production- L GBR -
376 22.45 394.8880 Jonas Stellemark Classic- S SWE -
377 21.04 369.9754 Anders Backx Jensen Production- - USA -
378 20.89 367.3563 Michaela Prehn Classic- - DEU -
379 20.49 360.3513 Thomas Storgaard Open- S DNK -
380 19.33 339.8954 Miriam Grube-Wittschieben Production- L USA -
381 18.95 333.3498 Sune Hessellund Jeppesen Classic- S DNK -
382 17.61 309.6647 Jakob Andersen Standard- - USA -
383 16.09 282.9092 Michael Low Revolver- S DNK -
384 11.21 197.0704 Martin Erni Production- - DNK -
385 7.35 129.3170 Mia Bøgedal Production- L DNK -
386 0.23 4.0519 Patrick Coolen Revolver- S USA -
387 0.16 2.7690 Pieter Dekker Revolver- S NLD -
388 0.00 0.0000 John Lindbom Open- SS SWE -
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