First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1525.2410 Mats O. Bäckström Standard+ S USA -
2 86.63 1321.2901 Norbert Mayer Standard+ S USA -
3 82.34 1255.9433 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- S DNK -
4 78.76 1201.3003 Karl Torkildsen Standard- S NOR -
5 76.50 1166.8083 Victoria Pejle Standard- S SWE -
6 76.50 1166.7557 Jan Bodé Standard+ S DNK -
7 75.28 1148.2409 Christian Bagger Standard- S DNK -
8 73.94 1127.7476 Michel Laversma Standard- S USA -
9 72.31 1102.8733 Uwe Pankalla Standard+ S USA -
10 72.12 1100.0790 Gert Hougaard Standard- S DNK -
11 70.32 1072.4772 Finn Langkjær Standard- S DNK -
12 69.76 1063.9506 Ronny Andreassen Standard+ S SWE -
13 62.47 952.7832 Jens Mathiesen Standard- S DNK -
14 61.57 939.0371 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- S DNK -
15 60.92 929.2246 Hugh Daly Standard+ S IRL -
16 58.37 890.2225 Markus Heine Standard- S DEU -
17 57.72 880.4119 Adrian Jones Standard+ S FRA -
18 57.66 879.4366 Arne Busch Standard- S DNK -
19 54.84 836.5010 chris jonkers Standard- S SWE -
20 54.77 835.3446 Thomas Werchmeister Standard- S USA -
21 53.66 818.3883 Martin Smukal Standard- S DEU -
22 53.34 813.5007 Ilja Klueck Standard+ S USA -
23 52.00 793.1789 Sune Sørensen Standard- S USA -
24 46.70 712.2734 Ole Martin Jorve Standard- S NOR -
25 42.80 652.8547 Olaf Gubien Standard- S USA -
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