First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1779.6547 Michal Stepan Production- - USA -
2 92.76 1650.8409 Per A Hansen Production- - NOR -
3 90.62 1612.7489 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK -
4 87.01 1548.4399 Mikkel Sloth Pedersen Production- - DNK -
5 85.04 1513.3401 Frede Stenslie Production- - USA -
6 82.46 1467.4263 Robert Börjesson Production- - SWE -
7 79.81 1420.3283 Martin Kaeseler Production- - DNK -
8 79.65 1417.4967 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE -
9 79.33 1411.7112 Kalle Halvarsson Production- - SWE -
10 76.52 1361.7260 Olaf van Essen Production- S DEU -
11 76.10 1354.2901 Peter Olsen Mertz Production- - DNK -
12 75.91 1350.8802 Magnus Abelsson Production- - SWE -
13 75.91 1350.8525 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE -
14 72.74 1294.5170 Stefan Hermann Production- - DEU -
15 72.40 1288.4574 Jürgen Braun Production- S USA -
16 72.38 1288.0928 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR -
17 71.49 1272.3584 Johnnie Tibom Production- - SWE -
18 71.48 1272.0539 Gustav Mogren Production- - SWE -
19 70.80 1260.0821 André Ksycki Production- - DEU -
20 70.27 1250.5067 Glen Hylander Production- - NOR -
21 69.49 1236.6441 Michael Lindgjerdet Production- - NOR -
22 69.40 1235.1687 Kenneth Sørensen Production- - DNK -
23 69.31 1233.3903 Oliver Schnoor Production- S DEU -
24 68.37 1216.7237 Sven Biermann Production- - DEU -
25 67.54 1201.9146 Flemming Jensen Production- - DNK -
26 66.85 1189.6556 Frank Hariken Production- - DNK -
27 66.71 1187.2458 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- - NOR -
28 66.50 1183.4992 Alain Arnold Production- - USA -
29 66.22 1178.5274 Michael Stefansen Production- - USA -
30 65.77 1170.4634 Holger Kunzmann Production- - USA -
31 65.72 1169.5776 Benny Pedersen Production- - USA -
32 65.60 1167.4885 Ludwig Bowakow Production- SS DEU -
33 65.41 1163.9895 Kristian Söderström Production- S SWE -
34 65.29 1161.9179 Claus Henneberg Production+ - DNK -
35 65.09 1158.3365 Thomas Andersen Production- - DNK -
36 64.83 1153.7201 Jon Regbo Production- - NOR -
37 64.06 1140.1038 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE -
38 63.99 1138.7870 Ulf Stiegen Production- - DEU -
39 63.60 1131.8640 Andreas Raht Production- S DEU -
40 63.24 1125.5020 Tony Klintan Production- S SWE -
41 62.47 1111.6747 Jan Marmulla Production- S DEU -
42 62.15 1106.1340 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE -
43 61.48 1094.2137 Eindride Stien Production- S NOR -
44 60.23 1071.9122 Kristoffer Hall Production- - SWE -
45 60.03 1068.2427 Tom Sundlöf Production- - USA -
46 59.98 1067.4591 Stefan Giger Production- - USA -
47 59.89 1065.8546 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- - NOR -
48 59.70 1062.4894 Simon Ravn Production- - USA -
49 59.67 1062.0026 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK -
50 58.77 1045.9062 Jens Reppe Production- SS DEU -
51 58.44 1040.0896 Gerhard Wirenfeldt Production- S USA -
52 57.56 1024.3507 Nic Nothnagel Production- J DEU -
53 57.54 1024.0064 Fredrick Lindquist Production- S USA -
54 57.48 1022.9725 Reinhard Kelterbaum Production- SS DEU -
55 56.97 1013.9295 Ayram Shine Production- L DNK -
56 56.78 1010.5586 Riku Kalinen Production- S USA -
57 56.73 1009.6375 Henri Haapsaari Production- - FIN -
58 56.62 1007.6106 Rudi Lane Production- - NIR -
59 56.16 999.4549 Kristina Agerbæk Production- L DNK -
60 56.10 998.3957 Jens Zintl Production- - USA -
61 55.87 994.2990 André Holt Production- - NOR -
62 55.68 990.8442 Tanya Marlene Tysnes Production- L NOR -
63 55.58 989.0722 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE -
64 55.44 986.6259 Timo Konttinen Production- SS FIN -
65 55.29 984.0204 Viola Moser Production- L DEU -
66 55.17 981.7916 Fabian Häge Production- - USA -
67 53.91 959.3524 Stephan Rollmann Production- S USA -
68 53.40 950.4056 Johan Liljestrand Production- - SWE -
69 53.21 946.9156 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK -
70 52.65 937.0679 Nikolaj Jeppesen Production- - USA -
71 52.59 935.9329 Johannes Holmberg Production- S USA -
72 52.52 934.7339 Dannie Høg Production- - DNK -
73 51.87 923.1054 Peder Nilsson Production- - SWE -
74 51.86 922.9191 Jan Alexander Arndt Production- - USA -
75 51.57 917.8492 Per Munk Production- - DNK -
76 51.56 917.5090 Esther Verjans Production- L USA -
77 51.54 917.2668 Morten Jörgensen Production- - SWE -
78 50.98 907.2284 Ib Steen Jørgensen Production- S USA -
79 50.74 903.0422 Einar Bakke Production- - NOR -
80 50.18 893.0581 Paul Smyth Production- SS GBR -
81 49.99 889.7266 Jesper Persson Production- - USA -
82 49.85 887.1297 Christian Dinesen Production- - DNK -
83 49.70 884.4525 Gunnar Rolfseng Production- - NOR -
84 49.59 882.4982 Martin Höger Production- - USA -
85 49.36 878.3704 Peter Kamp Production- - USA -
86 49.35 878.2723 Ralf Herrmann Production- - USA -
87 49.20 875.6045 Zean Engelbreth Production- - USA -
88 49.08 873.4557 Jan Hoekstra Production- - USA -
89 48.94 870.9506 Maurice Cairns Production- - USA -
90 48.83 868.9223 Elias Ek Production- - NOR -
91 48.57 864.4440 Joerg Kaehler Production- S USA -
92 48.55 864.0974 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE -
93 48.50 863.1163 Gerry Dahlgren Production- SS SWE -
94 48.44 862.0497 Jan Zintl Production- - USA -
95 48.40 861.2974 Ole Victor Production- SS SWE -
96 48.31 859.8058 Martin Saenger Production- - DEU -
97 48.23 858.2842 Olaf Schnoor Production- S DEU -
98 47.95 853.3747 Thomas Knudsen Production- S USA -
99 46.24 822.8439 Nic Kahl Production- J USA -
100 46.18 821.8768 Martyn Spence Production- S GBR -
101 45.88 816.5620 Marco Poppenhusen Production- - USA -
102 45.68 812.8648 Martin Schirra Production- - USA -
103 44.78 796.9795 Matilda Sundqvist Production- L SWE -
104 44.57 793.1898 Jesper Helmersen Production- - DNK -
105 43.94 781.9696 Kalle Piirainen Production- - FIN -
106 42.92 763.8876 Kenneth Østergaard Production- - USA -
107 41.81 744.0271 Sebastian Schroeder Production- - DEU -
108 41.78 743.4838 Benjamin Rohde Production- - USA -
109 41.73 742.5829 René Baumgart Production- - USA -
110 40.96 728.9096 Ian Sharp Production- - USA -
111 40.86 727.1495 Dag Svensson Production- S SWE -
112 40.47 720.2584 Claudia Rollmann Production- L USA -
113 40.27 716.6355 Nicklas Jakobsson Production- - USA -
114 38.66 687.9282 Pelle Johan Ravn Bøgedal Production- J DNK -
115 38.63 687.5311 Brian Friis Production- S DNK -
116 38.33 682.1682 Bert Lepahé Production- L USA -
117 38.26 680.8846 Maria Revling Production- L SWE -
118 37.91 674.6165 Tanja Arnold Production- L USA -
119 37.21 662.2822 Lars Bugge Production- SS DNK -
120 36.24 645.0074 Niels Siats Production- S USA -
121 35.64 634.3053 Declan Keogh Production- SS IRL -
122 35.48 631.4683 Freya Schou Production- J USA -
123 34.89 620.9629 Henriette Damsø Production- L DNK -
124 33.28 592.3356 Lauri Kalinen Production- - USA -
125 31.12 553.8175 Timm Arnold Production- S USA -
126 28.06 499.3827 Frida Stråhlman Production- L FIN -
127 27.71 493.1053 Bernd Lohmann Production- SS USA -
128 26.95 479.5385 Marie Cummings Production- L GBR -
129 24.31 432.6908 Anders Backx Jensen Production- - USA -
130 22.24 395.7890 Miriam Grube-Wittschieben Production- L USA -
131 13.26 236.0220 Martin Erni Production- - DNK -
132 8.57 152.4856 Mia Bøgedal Production- L DNK -
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